Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, July 27, 2009
Banned By You Tube Vol. 1-Predator-King Of The Kill
Yes, You Tube can be a good little boy, but sometimes it fucks you in the ass with no lube. But as i've said time and time again, DON'T FUCK WITH OCP! So without further audieu here's the world premiere of the banned production by Omni Consumer Products, Predator-King Of The Kill.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Random Movie Ideas-"Daniel"

An Original Template By
Michael William Brown
I Wasn't Very Pleased With The Way Karate Kid III Ended, So After I Saw It I Came Up With An Idea After I Had Recently Watched Rocky V For The First Time On Cable. The Film Could Start Off With Daniel Entering The World Karate Championships, Training With Myagi To The Song Lightning In The Wind(By Peter Cetera) A More Rocky Montage Vibe To It As Well, Ending With Daniel Winning The Title With Mr. Myagi At His Side, Until Tragedy Strikes And Myagi Is Gunned Down By Some Street Punks. Lead By A Ruthless Drug Lord Called Homicide Jones. Then Daniel Gives Up His Title On The Grave Of Myagi. And Lives Life On The Streets Hoping To Catch Homicide Jones Who Killed His Mentor. He Even Befriends Johnny Lawrence Who Is All Grown Up, And Has A Wife And Kid. He Lets Daniel Stay With Him For A While, They Bond. And Then The Ugly Past Resurfaces Yet Again, And They Get In A Fight, And Daniel Goes Back To The Street. A Day Later Daniel Finds Johnny Dead In The Back Alley, His Neck Broken In Two. Then Daniel Sees A Kid Whose Getting Mugged By Some Thugs, And Daniel Steps In And Kicks Their Asses, And Decides To Become A Mentor To Todd Masters The New Karate Kid. They Train Together To The Tunes Of A Vince Di Cola Score, And Daniel Teaches Him Some Of The Life Lessons That Myagi Taught Him, Then Todd Enters The Local Karate Competition, And Through A Series Of Brutal Bouts Finally Gets To Face With Little Homicide aka. Maurice Jones, Who Tormented Him All These Years, And Through A Grueling Four Rounds Todd And Maurice End Up In A Tie. Todd Comes Out Fast And Furious With A Myriad Of Kick And Punch Combos Sending Maurice Reeling. He Retaliates With Brutal Clothesline Which Sends Todd Flying Onto His Back. With Nothing But Pain On His Mind He Sees Daniel In The Crowd Who Gives Him A Thumbs Up. And Todd Gets Up Off The Ground And Attacks Maurice With A Swift Kick To The Gut, And Then Sets Up The Crane Kick And Knocks Maurice Flat On His Back. "Winning Point, Todd Masters!" Todd Is Awarded The Trophy, And All Seems Well, But Then Maurice Tries To Steal The Trophy Away From Todd. Daniel Leaps Out Of The Stands Just As Homicide Fires A Couple Of Shot Near His Head From The Upper Row. Daniel Goes To Chase After Him But Then Todd Is Taken Out Of The Ring By The Rest Of The Gang. Daniel Chases Them To Their Hideout, Where He Takes Them All On With Anything He Can Get His Hands On, But There Is Too Many Of Them, So He Finds A Way To Release Todd From His Captors, And They Double Team And Utilize Series Of Roundhouse Kicks, Culminating In A Double Crane Kick Which Knocks Them All Our On The Street. Daniel Has Some Unfinished Business, And Chases Homicide Down, Corners Him And Attacks Him From Behind. Homicide Pulls Out A Switchblade, A Duel Begins .Daniel Kicks It Out Of His Hands. And The Homicide Starts Pummelling Daniel With A Pair Of Brass Knuckles. And Both Men Exchange Brutal Blow After Blow, Blood And Spit Spraying Everywhere, Both Men Are A Bloodied Broken Mess, And With Ever Last Bit Of His Strength Daniel Jump Kicks Homicide Into A Garbage Disposal. Then He Grabs The Switchblade Off The Ground And Places It Up Against Homicide's Throat. Sirens Are Heard In The Background, And Daniel Says "It's Not Worth It. You Deserve Worse." And Then Daniel Lets Homicide Goe To Jail For His Sins. The Film Ends With The New Kid In Daniel's Arms Thanking Him For Saving His Life. And The End Credits Song Is Lion Of The Land By Survivor
Experimental Lyrics
By M.W.B.
"When Your Faith Is Shattered"
It's So Hard To Believe"
"But You Raise Your Hands"
And Light The Fire Within"
"Times Are Tough"
"You're Strong Enough"
"You've Got The Power"
You've The Strength Of A Mighty Hand"
And You Strike With The Might
Of Lighting In The Wind"
"Running Across The Sand
Like The Lion Of The Land"
"Fight Fire With Fire"
"Fighting Other Men"
"And I Will Rise As
The Lion Of Land"
Ralph Macchio-Daniel Larusso
Pat Morita-Mr. Myagi
Todd Masters-Ted Jan Roberts
Homicide Jones aka. Tiberius-Billy Blanks
Little Homicide aka. Maurice-Tryone Martin
Directed By John G. Alvidsen
A Columbia Pictures Production
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Shitty Sequels 1.0-The Karate Kid Part III

Monday, June 1, 2009
Shitty Movie Shorts-Cycle 1

A Roger Corman Produced Aliien Rip Off On A Five Cent Budget With One Of The Stupidest Looking Creatures I Have Ever Seen. It Looked Like A Cross Between A Bat, A Flying Squirrel, And A Bass Mouth Fish. A Film So Royally Bad That Even Bradford Dillman, And Priscilla Barnes Seem Like They'd Rather Be Dead, Then Star In This Stinker.

The Visitors(1988)
A Shitty Foreign Haunted House Flick With Atrocious Dubbing, And A Finale That Belongs In The Horror Hall Of Shame. But Any Movie Where A Kid Says Fuck At The Dinner Table Is At Least Worth Watching Right? Wrong. And It's A Crying Shame That Variety Thought This Would Chill My Bones. This Film Is Just About As Bone Chilling As Ghosthouse..Avoid It, For Your Own Good.

Leonard Part 6(1987)
An Epic Shitfest. A Movie So Terrible, That It's Fucking Unbelievable. How In The Holy Hell This Movie Was Ever Greenlit Is One Of The Grandest Mysteries Of Our Time. The Only Film Where You Will Have The Privilage To See Bill Cosby Strut His Stuff In Pink Ballet Slippers While Riding Ontop Of A Flying Ostritch Avoiding Killer Bubbles. There Is Not One Scene In This Entire Film That Is Worth Watching. It's Like A Candy Coated Acid Trip With A Mission To Torture The Viewer. If You Value Your Life, Then Do Not See This Movie.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Classic Metal Showcase: Dokken's Standing In The Shadows

Dokken: Standing In The Shadows
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Useless Mini Reviews: Xtro

Xtro is one of those movies you might have caught on TV late at night, and afterwards asked yourself this question. "What The Fuck Did I Just Watch?"
Xtro is one of the few british midnight movies that have made it to our shores(i'm not including the countless hammer movies..) Xtro was also one of the first films released by New Line Cinema, and was produced by Robert Shaye who later went on to produce a film about a serial killer with bladed fingers who haunts peoples dreams..
The plot of Xtro is really cut and dry. A kids father gets taken away by a flying saucer, gets turned into a alien in order to survive their climate, gets homesick and heads back to earth to take his son back to the alien planet and live happily ever after.
What really makes Xtro is it's shock value. Xtro contains one of the most insane birthing sequences i've ever seen..the alien chestbuster pales in comparison.
Now after this sequence the father goes and inserts himself back into his old family, and befriends his son Tony. There is a lot of needless and boring padding in this movie about family life, and other ho-hum stuff. But as soon as Tony's dad gives him the mother of all hickies, things change.
You see, know Tony has psychic alien powers. And as soon as his snake is killed by a neighbor, he goes ballistic, and uses his psychic powers to kill her with his GI Joe doll. He makes Joe grow all big and strong, and asks him to pump the old hag full of lead.
Tony still isn't finished with his revenge. He sends a black panther to attack his babysitter's boyfriend(WTF?) and he and his midget clown friend knock the babysitter over the head with a mallet and turn her into one gigantic alien baby maker.
The film climaxes with Tony's dad showing his true colors, and goes all alien on his wife while they're doing the nasty. Then he runs outside grabs tony, makes the live in boyfriend's ears bleed with a ear shattering scream(The Jonas Brothers are aliens! ) That explains everything..) And then rips off his human birthday suit, and holds Tony's hand as they beam into the flying saucer and soar into the night sky.
The film ends with a stupid shock ending where the mother goes into the kitchen opens the fridge finds some alien eggs, curiousity kills the bitch, and she gets an alien arm to the face.
Xtro was originally supposed to end with the mother walking in the kitchen and seeing multiple clones of her son Tony supposed to have come from the alien eggs in the fridge. But producer Robert Shaye didn't think the special effects in the scene were convincing enough so he edited out and put in the ending with Rachel sitting in the middle of the field after Sam and Tony have left. But director Harry Bromden Davenport hated that idea, and reshot the ending with Rachel getting a arm to the face. Either ending still sucks.(although i like the clone idea..)
Xtro is one of those video nasties that have a few gleefully gruesome scenes, but as a whole it is simply disappointing. Bad acting, an annoying synthzizer score, and it's random shit tendencies make this a miss in my book. Xtro is a nihilistic slice of british cinema that should be left on the shelf.
Watch The Crazy As Hell Birthing Sequence Below.
Xtro is one of the few british midnight movies that have made it to our shores(i'm not including the countless hammer movies..) Xtro was also one of the first films released by New Line Cinema, and was produced by Robert Shaye who later went on to produce a film about a serial killer with bladed fingers who haunts peoples dreams..
The plot of Xtro is really cut and dry. A kids father gets taken away by a flying saucer, gets turned into a alien in order to survive their climate, gets homesick and heads back to earth to take his son back to the alien planet and live happily ever after.
What really makes Xtro is it's shock value. Xtro contains one of the most insane birthing sequences i've ever seen..the alien chestbuster pales in comparison.
Now after this sequence the father goes and inserts himself back into his old family, and befriends his son Tony. There is a lot of needless and boring padding in this movie about family life, and other ho-hum stuff. But as soon as Tony's dad gives him the mother of all hickies, things change.
You see, know Tony has psychic alien powers. And as soon as his snake is killed by a neighbor, he goes ballistic, and uses his psychic powers to kill her with his GI Joe doll. He makes Joe grow all big and strong, and asks him to pump the old hag full of lead.
Tony still isn't finished with his revenge. He sends a black panther to attack his babysitter's boyfriend(WTF?) and he and his midget clown friend knock the babysitter over the head with a mallet and turn her into one gigantic alien baby maker.
The film climaxes with Tony's dad showing his true colors, and goes all alien on his wife while they're doing the nasty. Then he runs outside grabs tony, makes the live in boyfriend's ears bleed with a ear shattering scream(The Jonas Brothers are aliens! ) That explains everything..) And then rips off his human birthday suit, and holds Tony's hand as they beam into the flying saucer and soar into the night sky.
The film ends with a stupid shock ending where the mother goes into the kitchen opens the fridge finds some alien eggs, curiousity kills the bitch, and she gets an alien arm to the face.
Xtro was originally supposed to end with the mother walking in the kitchen and seeing multiple clones of her son Tony supposed to have come from the alien eggs in the fridge. But producer Robert Shaye didn't think the special effects in the scene were convincing enough so he edited out and put in the ending with Rachel sitting in the middle of the field after Sam and Tony have left. But director Harry Bromden Davenport hated that idea, and reshot the ending with Rachel getting a arm to the face. Either ending still sucks.(although i like the clone idea..)
Xtro is one of those video nasties that have a few gleefully gruesome scenes, but as a whole it is simply disappointing. Bad acting, an annoying synthzizer score, and it's random shit tendencies make this a miss in my book. Xtro is a nihilistic slice of british cinema that should be left on the shelf.
Watch The Crazy As Hell Birthing Sequence Below.
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